Push-down Automata


Which of the following languages over \left\{a,b,c\right\} is accepted by a deterministic pushdown automata?


Consider the pushdown automaton (PDA) P below, which runs on the input alphabet \{a,b\}, has stack alphabet \{ \perp ,A\}, and has three states \{s,p,q\}, with s being the start state. A transition from state u to state v , labelled c/X/\gamma , where c is an input symbol or , X is a stack symbol, and \gamma is a string of stack symbols, represents the fact that in state u, the PDA can read c from the input, with X on the top of its stack, pop X from the stack, push in the string \gamma on the stack, and go to state v. In the initial configuration, the stack has only the symbol \perp in it. The PDA accepts by empty stack.Which one of the following options correctly describes the language accepted by P?


Which one of the following is FALSE?